2023 Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation Volunteer Day
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone that came out for the WY-WSF Volunteer Day last Saturday at the Thorne/Williams WHMA in Sybille Canyon.
We worked alongside the Wyoming Game and Fish Department to help to remove the woven-wire boundary fence to assist in the conversion to a wildlife-friendly design. This is a project that the Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation board and membership voted to fund this past June.
Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to bettering the habitat of Wyoming’s bighorn sheep herds.

Please join us on Saturday, August 12th, 2023 in removing old sheep-tight, woven-wire boundary fence from the Thorne/Williams Wildlife Habitat Management Area in Sybille Canyon. This dilapidated fence will be replaced by a wildlife-friendly design that will allow wildlife, including bighorn sheep from the Laramie Peak herd, better access to high-quality habitat. This is also a great opportunity for wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts to get together share stories, ideas, and enjoy each others company in one of Wyoming’s many beautiful and wild places.
We will be meeting at 8:00 am at the entrance to the Sybille Wildlife Research Center on highway 34 between Wheatland and Bosler.

At the meeting site we will do introductions, have a project brief, consolidate vehicles and travel across the highway to the Thorne/Williams WHMA and to the project site. The Thorne/Williams WHMA is absolutely in bighorn sheep country and as such, you can expect hiking over and working on fairly rugged terrain and slopes.

Please where appropriate hiking/work boots and clothing appropriate to working outside in different weather conditions. We recommend coming prepared with a small backpack with water, snacks, leather work gloves, sunscreen, insect repellant, binoculars (for wildlife viewing), any fencing tools you may have.
After the fence removal, please join us for a cookout provided by the Wyoming Wild Sheep Foundation at the Sybille Wildlife Research Center.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact Katie Cheesbrough at katie@wyomingwildsheep.org or 307-399-4383 to RSVP. In addition, please click the following link to sign up for this project with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and register as a volunteer (this must be done prior to arriving at the project site as there is no cell reception). WGFD Thorne/Williams Fence Project
Please go to our events page for further detailed information on the project: WY-WSF Events